Getting Started

Your First Steps to Pioneer Your New Mission Adventures Ministry

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How To Choose an Outreach Location

94 KB PDFIt’s all about the outreach. The youth workers that will bring a team to your new MA ministry are going to be drawn to you because of where you’re going to take them on outreach. So choosing your outreach location(s) is your top priority.

So we’ve written up some keys for you to consider as pioneer your ministry. Click the image at left to download this article in a super-handy PDF document.

Related Content: “Give Them a Reason to Come



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How To Recruit Teams

181 KB PDFMarketing can be a tricky subject—heck it can be tricky just to know what it is! So the Mission Adventures Marketing Gnomes™ have developed this handy resource to help you define and understand marketing.

Click that image to the left to download this handy marketing guide in a easy to use PDF format.

Related Content:
Mission Adventures Selling Points
Marketing Mission Adventures at Youth Specialties” (165 KB PDF)
The Art of the Registrar“ 




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Use the Mission Adventures Logo and Get Free Marketing Materials!

Here are a couple of downloadable resources you can use to help promote your Mission Adventures ministry: 

Mission Adventures Splat Logo
Here’s our super-cool “Splogo” for your use. This compressed .zip file has this logo in both EPS and JPEG versions. Just click the image at left to download these files to your hard drive. (600 KB .zip)




Mission Adventures Postcard Pack
Here’s an amazing series of postcards you can use to promote your Mission Adventures ministry. This compressed .zip file has all four postcards in the Go/Tell series in PDF format. (Not pictured is the Training card). Just click the image at left to download these files to your hard drive. (10.1 MB .zip)


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Make the Most of

This web site is a key tool to help you successfully launch your new Mission Adventures Ministry. First, you’re going to want to make sure that you use this site to get the word out about your ministry and your outreaches. We’ve created a special section of the site to help you get started. Check out our Tips and Tricks page and in just a few short minutes you’ll be able to:

  • Update Your YWAM Center Profile Page
  • Create New Posts Describing Your Outreaches
  • Use the Spiffy Contact Page So Teams Will Get in Touch with You
  • And a Whole Lot More

And not only can you use to help you recruit teams for your ministry, but we’ve got a special section of this site just for Mission Adventures leaders. It’s called the MA Insider and it’s absolutely filled with stories, information and resources to help you build a world-class short-term outreach ministry. Check out the MA Insider for:

  • Theme Information and Resources
  • Updates about our Mission Adventures WAVES Gatherings (staff conferences)
  • An amazing blog filled with best practices, inspiring stories and that zany brand of MA humor!

So be sure to explore the site and make the most of what it offers!


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The Blueprints and Technical Specifications for the Ten-Day Mission Adventures Experience

Originally published way back in 1997, this 1.6 MB PDF document is an exhaustive compendium of where Mission Adventures came from. Inside it’s 163 pages you’ll find such topics as: 

  •  Our Philosophy of Ministry
  • Registration Process
  • Recruiting Staff
  • The Original Training Schedule
  • Outreach Set Up
  • And much, much more…

 This document is certainly dated, but many of the principles it contains will help you create a vibrant, relevant ministry on your base.